America & Our Freedom Are Under Crisis

Paul Li
8 min readDec 17, 2020

Hi all,

Thank you for reading this letter.

I’m writing this letter with a simple but firm goal: to unveil the tip of the iceberg regarding the 2020 U.S. election fraud, which is still under a heated battle in America right now. The implication of this election battle is unprecedented, and the outcome, whether good or bad, not only will introduce a fundamental shift in the United States of America, but also in Canada, and the rest of the free world.

Below is a good 18min video, on what essentially is happening in this election fraud. For more details and references, please read along. You will not regret what you’ll find.

The United States of America is undergoing an unprecedented crisis right now. It is at the risk of been overthrown by a joint & orchestrated effort of the Deep State, Left party, a group of globalists/tycoons and unsurprisingly, China, or more specially, the Chinese Communist Party.

The 2020 U.S Presidential election underwent a massive voter fraud nation-wide since Nov 3, for Joe Biden to get more votes than Donald J. Trump, in order to win the presidency. There have been many lawsuits and legal battles, media warfare, censorship, rallies and even bombing taking place in the U.S, all centred around this election fraud. America is practically under a civil war right now except without gunfire, where the fundamental principles of the nation and of democracy, is under siege.

The 2020 U.S. Presidential election took place on Nov 3rd, with some strange but not noticeable irregularities in the process. By Nov 4th, Biden’s vote caught up and eventually surpassed Donald J. Trump by a small margin, and Biden declared himself as winner. This ‘news’ was backed by almost every single mainstream media & social media that ‘Biden had won, and Trump had lost.’ This is the narrative probably most of us are familiar.

But after Donald J. Trump’s legal team started investigating on those irregularities, the evidences started to unfold, with citizens across the states who provided numerous, irrefutable evidences and affidavits, that massive voter fraud indeed took place across many states before & right after the election day. Especially in the swinging states including Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin. New & critical evidences are still being discovered & disclosed as you are reading.

I’ve been following the ‘real’ news, every single day since Nov 4. The information I gathered is rather abundant and sometimes, stressful. How can this happen in a nation that is seen as the beacon of light & freedom of this world?

I grew up in China, and faced the persecution myself, it is not surprise to see this type of state wide propaganda in China today, in fact, that’s how the dictators rule China. But to witness similar acts done in United States of America — a nation that has long stood for justice and liberty and against Communist — is deeply concerning.

I will try to briefly summarize of the types of voter frauds being disclosed, just to give a context. The actual numbers and how extensive the fraud is, can be learned from the references. Please check them and see for yourself.

1. # of total votes exceeding total # of legit voters in the state. Pennsylvania had roughly 205,000 more votes than voters.

2. More mail-in ballots received than sent. In Georgia, 1.8million mail-in ballots were mailed, but 2.5million mail-in ballots received.

3. Votes been casted by someone else

4. Dead people voting

5. Same ballots being counted multiple times

6. Unknown ballots being counted

7. Poll-watchers being blocked & threatened from observing ballot counting

8. The Electronic Voting System in multiple states (called ‘Dominion’), were systematically converting votes from Donald Trump to Biden. For examples:

- Huge spikes/increase of votes came in on Michigan and around, midnight Nov4. 149,772 votes came in, within about 5 seconds, 96% for Joe Biden

- The vote count of PA displayed on TV, in less than a minute, switched from
i. Trump 1,690,589 Biden 1,252,537 to
ii. Trump 1,670,631. (-19,958 votes) Biden 1,272,495. (+19,958)

By doing a simple math based on the numbers from few states, you’ll tell the fraudulent votes/ballots was not in hundreds, nor thousands, but in hundreds of thousands, if not more.

This is a speech that President Donald J. Trump gave on Dec. 02, 2020, 46min, detailing only a small portion of the evidence being disclosed:

I won’t be able to go into all the details here, many references are attached below, you’re welcome to see & learn it for yourself. It’s a lot to absorb.

2. You may wonder, how come I didn’t hear anything about this?

This is the concerning part.

Almost every single mainstream media outlets in U.S. (and Canada), CNN, Washington Post, New York Times, Reuters, Fox (except for maybe Lou Dobbs), and social media - Twitter, Facebook, YouTube (Google), has been compromised, by the ‘special interest group’ who organized this election fraud. The media are only reporting news on ‘Biden has won’, and turn a blind eye on all the legal hearings, rallies, evidence being put out by Trump’s team, or report FAKE news to discredit the evidences and witnesses from the public. The only few exceptions being OAN, Newsmax (maybe?), Epoch Times & NTD.

In addition, many people, from citizens, to state legislators, and to the justices in the courts, who are aware of the frauds, do not dare to step forward and speak up, because 1. The legislators/judges cannot bear the pressure of the consequence; 2. they’ve been threatened, or 3. They have also being ‘compromised’;

On Dec 08, Texas, backed with 19 other states filed a lawsuit to Supreme Court accusing unconstitutional conduct in the election process by 4 swing states (Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin); while 22 states opposed this lawsuit. Supreme Court, rejected the hearing of this lawsuit on Dec 10. Even the Supreme Court, the last place for justice, is no longer immune to corruption. This is why I commented earlier, that America, is practically under a civil war.

3. You may wonder, how does this relate to me, it’s happening in the U.S. and we are in Canada.

Think about this: If the Chinese Communist Party or the Lefties, can infiltrate America, and control even steal its Presidential election, and the public cannot do anything about it, it means they’ve basically taken control of the nation.

Everything that we proudly hold up to — freedom of belief, freedom of speech, true democracy, rule of law, justice, integrity will be taken away. It means there will never be a free election again. Look at Hong Kong. I think anyone who has been through a Communist country, would understand the implication of this election fraud.

If they can infiltrate America, they can infiltrate any other Western country. In fact, the CCP has already won over the love our Prime Minister and the cabinet, we have been training Chinese army on our Canadian soil!

This is not a conspiracy theory, this is happening right now. There’s still time and hope. The reason why Donald Trump hasn’t backed down/conceded, is not because he doesn’t want to let go of his power, but because he knows the consequences of the U.S. government being dominated by socialists and communists. If the election is stolen this year, then a free, fair election of America, or a government chosen by its people, is gone forever. And if America falls, we would all fall.

I will leave it here.

Please check out some references I’ve included below, draw your own conclusion, and pass them on. This is not about politics, this is about defending justice, freedom, human rights and democracy, the fundamental principles that we live by; so that we, and our future generations, may still breathe the air of freedom & liberty, on this holy land.

Paul Li


This list is just a fraction of the evidences being disclosed so far, by the people of America. It is an honour to witness there are so many brave/courageous souls, stepping up to protect what is just and righteous, and the very fabric of freedom and democracy upon which the nation was built. They did not back down in the face of corruption, deceptions and intimidation.

I wish Canadians can do this too someday.

a. A good 18min summary of this election fraud

b. A 90min long documentary by Joshua Phillips (who did the very first documentary on the origin of the COVID-19 few months ago). This is a good compilation of some major evidences & crimes so far.

c. Fox News on the use of Dominion machine & The nature of this election fraud

d. Surveillance video @ Georgia, of counting unknown ballots in private

e. Vote count, displayed on TV during election day, that shows votes being ‘transferred’ from Donald Trump to Biden.

f. Here’s an IT expert, Dr. Shiva providing a very detailed analysis of the ‘algorithm’ being used, to convert votes from President Trump to Biden:

g. Another Investing Advisor, Bobby Piton, giving thorough data analysis proving election fraud, that maybe have been happening for more than 4 years.

h. Former Michigan State Senator Patrick Colbeck who is a certified Microsoft small business specialist testifies as poll-watcher

i. Detailed fraud evidence by President Trump’s legal team: Rudy Giuliani:

j. Citizen testifies why no one else is coming forward to testify & why some of them are:

k. CNN 9AM call recordings exposed — how they choose want content to report in favour of Democrats, against President Donald Trump

l. YouTube Censorship on Election Fraud since Dec 09, 2020

m. Few good YouTube channels that are telling the truths:

Eyes Opener:

Front Page:

Beyond the Noise:

o. This one is not about the U.S election, but a recent breaking news of Canada: PM Trudeau has been secretly training Chinese armies on our Canadian soil, in Toronto.

Again, thanks for reading this letter, and hopefully, you’ve discovered something that you didn’t know before. If you would like to help, then pray. Pray for light, for justice, and for truth; Pray that “this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that the government of the People, by the People, for the People, shall not perish from the earth.” — Abraham Lincoln.

